» » Justin Bieber and Selena shoulder, hugging in church

The romantic image Justin and Selena Gomez together to attend the ceremony at the church Hillsong fans accidentally "snapped" back

After playing together at Universal Studios a few days ago, Selena and Justin together attended the ceremony at the church on Friday 21/9 the past Hillsong.
Both sitting front row and watching the ceremony, sometimes Selena left shoulder headrest Justin incredibly emotional. Of course, this idyllic images quickly caught the lens of the fans there. Instantly, it has been posted on the website and made ​​the fans could not help secretly jealous feelings before the young couple.

From mid-May 8/2014, Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez have reunited and stick together like crabs. Together they visited Justin's hometown in Canada, go bowling, watch movies together, cook ... However, a few days ago, rumors dating Justin Bieber she stealthy Yovanna Ventura model behind Selena spreads throughout its pages.
Even so, the sight of both happiness and fun like this, fans still hope love duo "Jelena" will be sustained.

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Hi there! I am Hung Duy and I am a true enthusiast in the areas of SEO and web design. In my personal life I spend time on photography, mountain climbing, snorkeling and dirt bike riding.
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